Thursday, December 04, 2008

Grace for today

Grace x 5 for today.

1. giggling in bed with Bella
2. campfire this evening in my yard
3. only 1 more day of the work week to go
4. finding out porcelain skin is in this year, eliminating the need to wear panty hose to my Christmas party
5. my mom

Long time, no see

Wow, It has been a long time since I posted. I have been scared to post, why? I don't know. Provision of an fully detailed update will follow. Suffice to say "what a long strange trip it has been..." I have so much to say, and it is late. So I say this: I am back, I intend on blogging a personal mission statement. I particularly like the idea of daily blogging 5 moments of grace I find daily or have experienced in the past. This is supposed to last 365 days. So here is todays.
1. insight provided by mother
2. my child saying I love you mommie
3. transcending the icky
4. my brain
5. a few tears